List of Tamil words in Amerind language family
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Amerind language family
Dr.Variankaval RamasamyAnnadurai; MD; DPM;
Amerind is a hypothetical higher-level language family proposed by Joseph Greenberg in 1960 and elaborated by his student Merritt Ruhlen. Greenberg proposed that all of the indigenous languages of the Americas belong to one of three language families, the previously established Eskimo–Aleut and Na–Dene, and with everything else—otherwise classified by specialists as belonging to dozens of independent families—as Amerind. Due to a large number of methodological flaws in the 1987 book Language in the Americas, the relationships he proposed between these languages have been rejected by the majority of historical linguists as spurious.
The term Amerind is also occasionally used to refer broadly to the various indigenous languages of the Americas without necessarily implying that they are a genealogical group. To avoid ambiguity, the term Amerindian is often used for the latter meaning. Subdivision- Almosan–Keresiouan; Hokan–Penutian; Central Amerind; Andean–Chibchan–Paezan; Equatorial–Tucanoan; Ge–Pano–Carib.

Clue to read Amerind language words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’ – ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add / change vowels then and there.
Add /delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letters ‘p’ and ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted / added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Ref- An Amerind Etymological Dictionary – Joseph Greenberg and Merritt Ruhlen.
English - Amerind -Tamil
1.hill- du [Colorado] – maedu
2.peak- utu- [ Catio] – mudi
3.head- tai [ Andoke]–mudi
*4. clouds- apel[ Comecrudo] –peyal
5.anus- kuti–kutha oaattai; kutham- rectus- oaatai – hole.
*6. arise/ appear – laq- ezhuka
7.see- riku[ Proto – Quechuan]- paarkka-
8.arm- poq- kai
9.arm /shoulder- kara [ Chipaya] - maer-k-kai; kara.
10.hand- kula[ Gualaca] – kaikal / hands /plural
11.enter- uilu- [ Achomawi] – nuzhai
*12. arrow- pa [ Quileute] – appu; ampu; paanam.
*13. ashes- pul- pali
14.powder- muwag [ Kiliwa]- maavu; maavaakku- to powder.
* ti [ Tacana] – thee
*16. female / girl/ woman / daughter- pen [ Moseten] - pen
*17.behind – bene-[ Colorado] - pin
*18. have- ta-[ Biloxi] -edu
* become- ti- [Cayapa] - aayidu
20.beard- poti – thadai ka- [ Proto Quechuan] – noakku
*22. abdomen – koto [Guahibo]- akadu
23.stomach- to [ ProtoUto- Aztecan] – poththu; madi.
24.heart –akeso [Malali] – aakam
*25. heart- egame- [ Buhagana] - aakam ;akam /soul
*26. inside- kom [ Toba ] – akam
*27. belly- mat- madi
*28. belly- to- idai
*29. breast- mate -madi
30.breast- asi [Hidatasa] – paachchi
31.breast- kasi [ Acoma] – konkkai
32.breast- niono- monni ko[ Central Amerind] – unnuka
*34. bite- tak –athakku; kadi; letters are in reversed order.
35.tongue- toko [ Koaia] – mudakku
*36. prick – tek [Choroti] -theikka; kuththa- letters are in reversed order.
*37. chew- tukui [ Panobo] – athakku
38.rotten – peq [ Kwakwala] – uoosipoaka
39.bitter- pakaska [ Rama] - kasakka
40.ripe- pokota [ Aymara] -kaninthida; pakkkuvamaayida; pakkuvam- mature;aayida- to become.
*41. bitter- kai -kaikka
*42. black- kara- karu
*43. charcoal- onakar [ Patagon] – karimunn
44.night- tuk [ Proto -Uto- Aztecan] – thunkki
45.excrement- ciki [ Murato] – kakka tottua [ Yaruro]–uoothaa [ Timucua] – eri imma [Taparita] -semmai; mai- black.
49.air- paori [ Botocudo] –uyir; uyirppu – letters are in reversed order.
*50. body- ime- mei boil- tog- kothikka; letters are in reversed order.
*52. bone- tui- aththi
53.bone- cak- akku
54.arrow- eunk [ Wakashan] – kanai ; letters are in reversed order.
*55.break- kati - koattu
*56.cut – aket [ Chayma ] - kaathu
*57. bring- tuka- attuka
58.take away – dutak [ Mandan] -eduththiduka/ take
*59. take/buy-da [Kwakwala/Proto– Oto-Manguean/ Proto Aztec Tanoan] -edu
60.get- tixw – [ Kalispel] – adaika
61.remove - tigu [ Santa Ana] - neekkidu
*62. burn- teqa – thee iduka; thee – fire; idu- do/ make. a fire- tika [ Proto Chimakuan] – thee moottuka; moottu- kindle.
64.heat- duada [ Saliba] – soodu
65.say – pa [Chimariko] – paesu
66.speak- peyaki [ Moseten]– paesuka
* iper[ Karok] – paeru
68. small- na [ Proto- Uto- Aztecan] - sinna
69.boy – pauna [ Atacama] - aan/ male; paiyan.
*70. child- maka- makavu ; ka= va; va= ka; mekve/boy [ Pamigua] .
*71. daughter- mukua [ Waunana ]- maka
*72. daughter – abye [ Yuri] – paappa / baby/ daughter
*73. girl- mokheta / magida [ Proto Yokuts / Proto Keresan]- makadoo
74.girl- kunya muka [ Oyambi] - kannimaka / young girl; kanni- virgin /young girl.
75.girl- maakride [Apinage] – kumaraththi / daughter; letters are jumbled.
76.young woman- kusa muka [Tambe] – kunjumaka;kunju- small
*77.boy- miku/ make [ Yahgan/Yahuna]- makan
78.boy – makinaua [ Paumari] – makan / son
*79. grandchild- par/pari [ Cumanogoto/ Surinam Carib] -paeran/ grand son
80.child- ali- pillai
81.bear – ra [ Arabela] – peru
*82. child- kati / little girl; kuttan/ little boy
83.boy- kaoro [ Otuke] – karu/ baby / child/ embryo
84.small - krikra[ Coroado] – kuru
*85. smoke – pok[ Chitimacha] - pukai – than [ San Ildefonso] -thinam
87.sun- den [Kiowa] –thaaman ; Aten [ Egypt]
*88. heaven – cillo [ Cuaiquer] -sel/sky
89.lightening- otalo [ Umotina] – minnuthal
* taru [ Botocudo]–thirai
*91. thunder – tiri [ proto Tacnan ] –idiidithther/ to thunder ; idi- thunder.
*92. cloud- talu–thali pak– baekam
*94. cloud- pot- paattam
*95. mist- pon [ Terrba] -pani
96.water- pa- punai; paani.
97.cold- dohina [Toyeri] - thadumun
*98. go- opi/be [Yurumangui/ Quiche]– poa
99.go- ta [Cuna] –oadu; nada.
*100.go- aka- yaeku
*101.go – poro- piriya
*102.come- wi [Yuchi ] - waa
103.enter- akku [ Mutsun ] - puku
104.cook- maki- samaikka
*105.cook- koko- aakku
106.burn – kora [ Kandoshi ] – erikka/to burn ;letters are in reversed order.
107.roast - goriddo [Bororo ]- varuththidu ; ka= va; va=ka.
108.cover- teku- mooduka
109.finish- dikau- mudikka
*110.dress- atak- udukkai
*111.crow- kakak [ Proto Algonquian]- kaakka
112.crow/ raven – qwlaqa [ Proto Salish] - kazhuku /eagle
*113.crane- kek [ Wappo] - kokku
*114.cut- kuti [ Proto TupiGurani] -kaathu
115.cut-tan- thundu;thundi.
*116.cut- tionko [ Viceyta] – thundikka
117.cut- tek- thundikka
* -telo [ Movima] - aadal
*119.night- syma [ Xinca] – saamam; root word is mai – dark syma [Xinca] – mai ; saamam .
*121.sun- koki [Cahauapana/Jebro]–koa
122.daylight- kwqala- pakal oli; pakal- day; oli- light.
*123.light- kwqala- kaezh
*122.deer- mana- maan
*123.die- maki- maaika;makku .
*124.kill- mijida [Proto Kereson] – maaiththidu
125.kill -amdi [ Cantral Yana] – maaiththidu
126.kill- atik [ Proto Kokan] – maaiththiduka
*127.kill- thoo / dau[ Proto Choco/ Kamakan]–adu
*128. kill -ciq [ Quileute] - saaikka
*129.die- ma- maaya
`130.die- tiq- madika
*131.die- stu [ Proto Kerseon] - seththidu
132.sleep- nomet [ Comecrudo] – madi
*133.dead- mal [ Karankawa] -- maala/die
*134.die- coq [Klamth] – saaka
*135.die- yairia [ Proto Tucanoan] –eeru; era.
136.finish- ituae- mudi
137.dig- tik- thoanduka plant- tuku- naduka
*139.young woman/girl - kuen-as [Paezan] -kanni / young girl; virgin.
140.daughter- tana muy [ Chapacura] - thanaiyaei daughter- nu tanimy [ Yavitro] –enthanaiyaei ;en- mine.
*142.make- ak- aakku
* akuan- akkan; ekinan; kukkan.
* nuq- nayakkan nini- naai
*146.prairie dog- niti [Proto Kereson] -nadaiyan/dog
*147.silver fox- kuan[ Achomawi] – akkan
* nuqaca/ nq - nayakkan
*149.wolf -kakana[ Proto Kereson ] – koanaai
*150.hear- kana- kaekkanum
*151.hear-ka [Proto – Uto- Aztecan] - kaekka; letter is read more than once.
152.ear- tiki- kaathu; letters are in reversed order.
*153.ear-ali- al
154.bottom- /under- tami-adi ila- nili ;nilam; azalai ; pozhil .
156.ground/world - oma [Cheyenne] – munn nanu -munn kake- koo ; kuvavu ; ka= va; va= ka.
159.sand- nu – munn
*160.village- amat[ Comecrudo] –muttam
161.wet -tap- thoppai ; thoppal.
*162.field- pile [ Timucua] -pulam po- pani; pusi.
* kuri- kori
* kizhi
166.tooth- kiru- nakaaar
167.ball- tape – panthu; letters are in reversed order.
168.testicle- doum [Takelma] – anndam
169.grandfather-atu [ Aweti] -thaaththa ; letter is read more than once.
*170.excrement- pa- pei
*171.defecate- pe- peipoa ;poa- go/pass
* 172.excrement- taya- uooththai
173.see- tu- paaththidu
*174.eye- kan- kann
175.see- ke- kaann
176.see- teki [Itene] - paaththukka
*177.look for- kintu- kandidu
178.look- rewat- paarivaiidu
179.see- rika- paarkka ere- paaru
*181.eye- ere- ari
*182.look- nak- noakku
*183.eye- nak- noakkam
*184.animal fat- gwal[ Wakashan] - kozhuppu angry- krug- karuvu; ka= va; va= ka.
*186.hate- pak- pakai
*187.fear- kul- kili; koosal.
188. feather- pat – settai;thoo.
*189.feather- poro [ Kandosi ] - parai
* fly – paga [ Cuitlatec] – paaika
* fly- faiya [ Chulupi] - paaya
192.leaf- api [ Yamana] - pannam close- tepa [Iranshe] – adai
*194.shut- te [ Proto Tanoan] -adai
195.stop up -tubia[ Tucano] – thadu
196.cover oneself- tapa- moodu
197.reach- tupu [Tacana] -adaiya
*198.alone- tu- thaniyaaa; oththiayaa.
* tu[ Proto – Oto- Manguean] -oththai;ottrai.
*200.arm/hand –kho[ Proto Tanoan] – kai
*201.give- ko- okku
202.nail/ claw- kio- nakam
*203.catch fire- petk – thee paththikka; peethupaththikka.
204.make fire- potawewe [ Proto Algonquian] – thee paththavai ; thee -fire.
205.*fire- pet- peethu
* [Itonama] –paeru
207.flat- ta- thattai;pattai
*208.bloom- pak [ Proto Muskogean] -pookka
209.bloom- pakali [ Choctaw] – ponkkal
*210.flower- totu [ Proto Chibcha] – thoadu
211.jump -tuyang [ Central Sierra] – thaanduka
212.jump- tudu [ Chimariko] – thaandu
* paya [ Mustun] – paaya
214.all- atimo [ Timucua] – anaiththum
*215.give-ti [ Proto Kalapuyan] - thaa
216.catch/hold- da [Haisla]- pidi
217.touch- pito [ Wappo] - thodu
218.hand- saka- kai
*219.joint / bone -akana [Bintucua] - kanu
220.bone-egal [ Tequistlatec] – alakku; letters are in reversed order.
221.eagle- sokol [Natchez] – kazhuku
*222.this – thu [Proto Caddoan] -ethu
*223.that- tai [ Wararo] - athu
*224.he/she- tai [ Wararo] – athu
225.hit/slap- tiq- adikka; thaakka; moathuka.
*226.pound- da [ Caddo] - idi
*227.knock- ta- thattu
*228.fight- toks [ Qawasqar] – thakku
*229.hole- tolo- thulai
230.anus- tol [ Atakapa] – sooththuthulai; sooththu- buttock; thulai- hole.
231.horn -uka [ Proto- Quichean] – kompu te [Catio] -idam
* all – il
* ka- akam
235.nest- te [ Catio] -needam
236.village – toh [Colorado]–patti
237.husband- ino – anpan
*238.I/me – na- naan
* - n [Tillamook] –en
230.we – na [Cotoname] – naam
231.we- nika [ Timucua] naankka
232.aunt- duwi [Mixtec] – aththai;thoththa; thavwai / mother.
* many – tan [ Botocudo] – eththanai
*234. what –nenae [ Kaingang ] -enna
*235.die – pie [ Opaie] - poa /to pass away /go
236.dead- obana [ Coche] – pinam /dead body
*237.know/ see/look- ykwahn [ Proto -Oto – Manguean ] – kaan
238.see – guakk [ Proto -Aruak]-kaanuka
*239.know- rik - arika
240.see- teki [Yamana] – paaththiduka
*241.think -nako [ Coahuilteco ] - ennuka
242.think – nahunatabi [Proto Guahiban] – ennidu
243.laugh – nkan [Proto – Oto – Manguean] -nakaikka
*244.laugh – aci – esi; asi .
*245.foot- uti [ yuri ] - adi
246.lizard – uli- palli
247.many – ali- pala
248. make- ta- seithidu
* mano- manu ;aan.
*250.meat-ane [Chiquito]uoon
251.meat- lau- pulaal
*252.meat- ati- thoo
*253.meat- tin- thunnu
254.son- tuna- thanayan
*255.daughter- tuna- thaniyaei iote [Wayana] -aattam
257.monkey- kuki- kaanakan;kavi ; ka= va; va= ka.
*258.mother- tati- thaai
*259.mother- nana- annai
*260.grandmother- cuci [ Chapacura] -aachchi
261.grandmother- taetae- paatti
*262.mother/ old lady- aya- aayaa
*263.mother- yak [Quinigua] – akka
*264.belly – thopa [Cofan] - thoppai
*265.small – syan[ Masaka] -- sinna
266.owl – tuku [Proto- uto- Aztecan] – koattaan; letters are in reversed order.
267.owl- tutu [Cayapa]-aanthai
268.parakeet – kilikili [ Piapoco ]- kili
269.small parot- tui [Proto- Tacanan] - thaththai/ parrot
*270.remote past -pante [ Mataco] – panndu
271.river- dua–thuni; nathi.
*272.river- paro [ Proto- panoan] –paeru
273.water- ria [Boncota] –neer
*274.water- la [Puruha] - aal
275.water- dia [ Pedraza] – thanni
*276.water- tein [ Coropo ] – thanni
277.water- dik [ Viceyta] –uthakam drink – iparu [ Timucua] – paruku
*279.sea- palau[ kekchi ]-paazhi
*280.rain- ta [Kaingang] – uootti
* taka- oaaduka
*282.leg- kal [ Qawasqar] - kaal
283.walk fast- ekainite [Witoto] - kadakadannu nada; kadakada- quickly; nada- walk; letters are jumbled.
*284.spit- tuba [ Patwin] - thuppu
*285.tospit- ici tuba [ Nonama] – echchi thuppu;echchi- spittle; thuppu- to spit.
*286.say- ti- oaathu
287.he speaks- nata [Tlappanec] – nodi/speak
288.sing- ti- paadu
*289. talk- ura[ Carib] –urai
*290.tell- kere [ Timucua] - kooru
*291.speak – wel [Natchez] -vili
* wali[Tunica] - vili
293.shoot- tuya- sudu/ gun; yeithidu /arrow
*294.shoulder- tala- thoal
*295.sun- lon [ Yahgan] -elloan
296.arrow- tios[ San Juan Bautista] - udu
* toke- thukku
298.body – ukwata[ Timucua] - kattai
299.sleep- cima- saayanam/ to repose; sayanam.
300.lie down- ti [ Proto- Atakapa- Chitimacha]- padu
301.short- take[ Towothli] - kuttai; letters are in reversed order.
*302.small- kuti- kutti
303.snow- pon- pani
*304.younger sister- tanka [ Dakota] - thankkai
305.elder sister- taki [ Biloxi] - mooththaakka ;mooththa- elder; akka- elder sister.
306.father- itun [ Rama] - thanthai
*307.small girl- toto- theeethai /girl
* stand- nuka- nikka
*309.stone- kro [Kamuru] -kar
310. hill/mountain- akra [Krenje] –karini; giri; root word is kar /stone.
311.mineral- qiaay [Proto- Quechuan] – kanimam
*312.rock- qala[ Jaqaru] –kal/stone
* ole [Yameo] – oli; anali.
*314.moon- auil [ Karankawa] -al
*315.sun- ali- el [Timucua] -naal
317.shine- una[ Catio] – minnu ar [ Proto- Tupi- Guarani] –naar
*319.shine- pala [Choctaw] – palapalannu kol [Canichana] - kizhamai ; pakal .
321.sun- kwal- pakaloan; kanali; uchchikizhaan.
*322.light- ukli [ Jebro] - kaezh
*323.sun- par [Proto Yuman] - paeru
*324.shine- taks [ Sayula] – thakathakka;thayankku ; thudikka.
325.sun- sur [Chiquito] - naayiru; sooriya [Skt ]
*326.swallow- maliqa- muzhunkka
327.sweep- pit- thudai
328.tail – walanyi [ Proto – Algonquian] - vaal
329.tail- ala- uloamam
*330.tail- sikal- koozhai
* mal- mozhiya
* /tell- malg- mozhika
333.water- kot- kaandam
*334.tie- tak- thuyakku
335.attach- tatak[ Manare ]-inaithhtiduka
336.tie a knot- dok [ Dobocubi] –mudi iduka; mudi- knot; iduka- make.
337.tree- lok- oankkal ; kazhi ;letters are in reversed order.
338.tree- kul- kzhi / stick/ wood
339.oak tree- teq- thaekku /teak
*340.wood- te [Colorado] - thadi
341.wood- atekw [ Proto Algonquian] - kattai ; letters are in reversed order.
342.turkey- kutu- kaathavam ; ka= va; va= ka.
*343.tremble- tuk-thudikka
*345.older brother- kukh– kakkaiyan
*346.urine- wisi- uchchaa
347.vagina- put- pundai
348.hole- puta [Yamana] - ponthu
349.anus- upiti [ Quechua] – putta oaattai; puttam- buttock; oaattai- hole.
*350.want- kun- keenam
*351.vulva- pice[ Caranga] – pochchu
352.penis- isa [Saliba] – sunni
353.hole- loqwa- kuzhi; letters are in reversed order.
vulva- yon [ Puinave] - yoani
354.worm- pela [Proto Hokan] – puzhu
355.make- nino[ Dzubucua] - pannu
356.wood- ake- kavai; ka= va; va= ka; kakanam .
357.firewood- ekit [Moguex] - kattai/ wood
358.woman- ita- paethai
359.woman- kuna [ Suya] - – kanikai
360.wish-yana- ennam /thoughts
361.wish- mena- mana ennam ;manam- mind; ennam- thoughts.
* mili [Takelma] - maal/ maiyal
363.wind- kala- - kaal ili; kal- leg; illai- without.
364.wide- alaq- akaliya; letters are in reversed order.
365.spring of water- toraoo [Murui ] - uooththu neer- uooththu- spring ;neer- water
366.spring of water- dzodo [Proto- Witotoan] - uooththu thanni; thanni- water.
*367.well -kani- kaeni /well
*368.water- kam- kayam
*369. water- ali– aal ; aalam.
370.drink- upu [Proto- quchuan -paanam /a drink
*371.soak- nuyu[ Proto- Quechan] - nanai
*372.drink - ikote- [Fulnio]- kudi/ to drink
*373.saliva- isu /yaso[ Kadurukre/ Kamakan ] - echchi
*374.lake- re- yaeri
375.creek- bida [ Proto Poma] - oaadai /stream
*376.rain- umaru[ Zapro] - maari
river- kweri – a river name in Tamil Nadu.
*377.water- okuli [ Shirara] - kelaalam
378.spill out- qwotl [ quileute] - kottuthal
*379.kill- tekwa [ Proto Tacanan] – idikka; thudaikka.